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Student choosing career path

Student Career Counselling Perth


As a High School Student, trying to decide what job or career to choose can be a daunting and overwhelming decision – especially when you have limited life experience to draw from, or feel pressured by other external factors such as your grades, others expectations of what you "should do" or a myriad of factors. And even with a clear direction in mind, will that choice be practical and sustainable in the long-term?  

Career counselling and coaching for students in high school*, or those already in or considering entering into higher education or a trade provides a greater level of clarity in this crucial decision making process.


Whilst highly personalised to the specific student, the session will cover the below;


  • in-depth personality and career profile

  • skills and competencies review and alignment with options

  • UNI, Alternative Pathway, TAFE or VET discussion

  • life aspirations and/or any extenuating factors

  • career options and general areas of interest identification based on highly respected and proven models such as the Holland Code and STRONG

  • market realities such as; job outlook, education requirements, long-term suitability

  • focus is on long-term fulfillment and success


Our careers counsellor will work with you to develop a tailored career plan that aligns with your interests, life goals and practical considerations in order to give you the best possible opportunity for personal and career fulfillment.


*Please note that high school aged children need to have initial meeting and “check-ins” with a nominated adult.

Why career counselling is the smart choice

While teenagers and young adults can be highly intelligent, sometimes they don't make the smartest decisions. Scientific research shows that the part of the brain that deals with rational thinking and consequences is not fully developed until about age 30. In fact, between the ages of 12-30, the brain undergoes significant changes, strengthening connections and developing speed.

How then, can we expect them to make one of the most important decisions of their lives without an adequate level of guidance and support?


Instead of pushing young adults to make this level of decision based on fleeting interests or simply the first thing they come across, a Career Smart career planning consultation will arm them with the insights they need to make the best choice.

Sharon will take your child through an in-depth and proven methodology that will ensure that your Childs personality, skills, aspirations and the simple realities of life are all taken into consideration. 

The outcome that you can expect is to walk away after a session knowing that the chance of career success and personal fulfilment have been greatly increased. 


Make the right choice for tomorrow; click ​to book a consultation today.


The right career choice starts here

Understanding how to leverage your natural abilities to follow your dream career begins with your individually tailored personality assessment.


Contact Career Smart to arrange your comprehensive profile analysis and take the first step on the right career path for you.


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